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[发布日期]:2016-06-30  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis / Volume 49 / Issue 02 / April 2014, pp 297-319


作者:Francis A. Longstaff, Brett W. Myers


How Does the Market Value Toxic Assets?

Francis A. Longstaff, Brett W. Myers


How does the market value “toxic” structured-credit securities? We study the valuation of what is possibly the most toxic of all toxic assets: the equity tranche of a collateralized debt obligation (CDO). In theory, CDO equity should be similar in nature to bank stock since both represent residual claims on a portfolio of loans. We find CDO equity returns are much more related to stock returns than to fixed-income returns. CDO equity returns track the returns of financial stocks much more closely than any other industry. Nearly two-thirds of the variation in CDO returns can be explained by fundamentals.



上一条:【RFS】高买低卖:股票回购和持续信息不对称 下一条:【FAJ】低波动周期:估值和动量对低波动性投资组合的影响
