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[发布日期]:2016-07-21  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management, Volume 44, Issue 4, pages 811–849, Winter 2015.


作者:Sven Fürth and Christian Rauch



Fare Thee Well ? An Analysis of Buyout Funds’ Exit Strategies

Sven Fürth and Christian Rauch


This paper analyzes exit strategies of buyout funds in portfolio companies following initial public offerings (IPOs). We use a data set of 222 buyout-backed IPOs in the United States from 1999 to 2008, including hand-collected data about each exit process, to draw a detailed roadmap of buyout investors’ divestment processes. Using this data, we document the timing and aggressiveness of the exit strategies, and analyze to which degree a multitude of possible determinants influence the choice of a given exit strategy. Our results indicate that buyout funds remain invested in their portfolio companies for a substantial period of time after the IPO, and that the choice of a given exit strategy depends not only upon the characteristics of each respective portfolio company, but also on the financial success of the deal from the perspective of the buyout investor.

Keywords: Buyout Funds, Exit Strategies, Financial Success



上一条:【RF】短期交易和股票收益异象:动量效应,反转效应和股票发行异象 下一条:【JF】美国银行股的规模异象
