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[发布日期]:2016-07-11  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analysts Journal · VOL70,NO. 5· SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2014


作者:Clifford S. Asness, Andrea Frazzini, and Lasse H. Pedersen


Flows, Price Pressure, and Hedge Fund Returns

Katja Ahoniemi and Petri Jylha


The authors studied how capital flows affect hedge fund returns and found that funds with high inflows outperform funds with high outflows during the month of the flows. This immediate reaction, combined with feedback trading, gives rise to a cycle: Flows exert price pressure, this effect on returns induces more flows, and these flows cause further price pressure. The cycle is so strong that it takes two years for a full return reversal, and it contributes to the observed persistence in hedge fund performance. The impact of flows on returns has clear implications for performance evaluation: One-third of estimated hedge fund alphas are due to flows.




上一条:【JEF】知情卖空、无法交付与异常收益 下一条:【JF】异质现金流与系统性风险
