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[发布日期]:2016-07-29  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics, Volume 118, Issue 2, November 2015, Pages 431-449, ISSN 0304-405X ,NOVEMBER 2015


作者:Elroy Dimson, Peter L. Rousseau, Christophe Spaenjers



The price of wine

Elroy Dimson, Peter L. Rousseau, Christophe Spaenjers


Using historical price records for Bordeaux Premiers Crus, we examine the impact of aging on wine prices and the long-term investment performance of fine wine. In line with the predictions of an illustrative model, young maturing wines from high-quality vintages provide the highest financial returns. Past maturity, famous chateaus deliver growing non-pecuniary benefits to their owners. Using an arithmetic repeat-sales regression over 1900–2012, we estimate a real financial return to wine investment (net of storage costs) of 4.1%, which exceeds bonds, art, and stamps. Returns to wine and equities are positively correlated. Finally, we find evidence of in-sample return predictability.

Keywords: Wine prices; Alternative investments; Price indexes; Psychic return; Bubbles



上一条:【RFS】对异象及其交易成本的分类方法 下一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】政治冲突与外国证券投资:来自朝鲜攻击的证据
