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[发布日期]:2016-07-29  [浏览次数]:

Review of Financial Studies, January 2016, v. 29, iss. 1, pp. 104-47


作者:Novy-Marx, Robert; Velikov, Mihail


A Taxonomy of Anomalies and Their Trading Costs

Novy-Marx, Robert; Velikov, Mihail


We study the after-trading-cost performance of anomalies and the effectiveness of transaction cost mitigation techniques. Introducing a buy/hold spread, with more stringent requirements for establishing positions than for maintaining them, is the most effective cost mitigation technique. Most anomalies with less than 50% turnover per month generate significant net spreads when designed to mitigate transaction costs; few with higher turnover do. The extent to which new capital reduces strategy profitability is inversely related to turnover, and strategies based on size, value, and profitability have the greatest capacity to support new capital. Transaction costs always reduce strategy profitability, increasing data-snooping concerns.



上一条:【JBF】公允价值披露、流动性风险和股票收益率 下一条:【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】政治冲突与外国证券投资:来自朝鲜攻击的证据
