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[发布日期]:2016-08-14  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Portfolio Management, Winter 2016, v. 42, iss. 2, pp. 43-55


作者:Richard R. Lindsey (New York University-Courant Institute of), Andrew B. Weisman (liquid alternatives at Janus Capital-chief investment officer)


Forced Liquidations, Fire Sales, and the Cost of Illiquidity

Richard R. Lindsey (New York University-Courant Institute of), Andrew B. Weisman (liquid alternatives at Janus Capital-chief investment officer)


Seeking diversification, institutional investors are often drawn to investment opportunities that are relatively illiquid, taking for granted that they will receive a liquidity premium that compensates them for the lack of liquidity. Forced liquidations typically occur when illiquid portfolios become overvalued relative to their true market value and the reported valuation is no longer credible. When a forced liquidation occurs, the significant associated costs are obvious and easy to take into account. But there is a rarely recognized cost that investors should apply to illiquid investments' expected return before such an event. This article presents a simple option-adjusted return for evaluating the cost of such illiquidity.



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