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[发布日期]:2016-08-29  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management, Volume 44, Issue 2, pages 295–322, Summer 2015.


作者:Ajay Bhootra (California State University-Mihaylo College of Business and Economics), Jungshik Hur (Louisiana Tech University-Department of Economics and Finance)



High Idiosyncratic Volatility and Low Returns: A Prospect Theory Explanation

Ajay Bhootra (California State University-Mihaylo College of Business and Economics), Jungshik Hur (Louisiana Tech University-Department of Economics and Finance)

Abstract: The well-documented negative relationship between idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns is puzzling if investors are risk-averse. However, under prospect theory, while investors are risk-averse in the domain of gains, they exhibit risk-seeking behavior in the domain of losses. Consistent with risk-seeking investors’ preference for high-volatility stocks in the loss domain, we find that the negative relationship between idiosyncratic volatility and stock returns is concentrated in stocks with unrealized capital losses, but is nonexistent in stocks with unrealized capital gains. This finding is robust to control for short-term return reversals and maximum daily return, among other variables.

Keywords: prospect theory, idiosyncratic volatility, risk-seeking



上一条:【JBF】大宗商品动量策略:行为学视角 下一条:【JPM】主动型基金经理技高一筹:每年平均增值三百万美元
