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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】企业集团内部股票收益率的联动性:基于基本面还是基于情绪?

[发布日期]:2016-12-23  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 35, Part A, November 2015, Pages 198–224


作者:Min-Su Kim (Korea University Business School), Woojin Kim(Seoul National University Business School) , Dong Wook Lee(Korea University Business School)


Stock return commonality within business groups: Fundamentals or sentiment?

Min-Su Kim (Korea University Business School) , Woojin Kim(Seoul National University Business School) , Dong Wook Lee(Korea University Business School)


We examine stock return comovement within business groups in Korea. Based on all publicly traded stocks from 1980 to 2009, we document that stocks of companies belonging to the same business group co-move with each other more than do stocks in the same industry. The within-group correlation in excess of the within-industry correlation has become more pronounced over time, especially following the 1997–98 Asian crisis. The increase in correlation appears to be driven more by non-fundamental factors such as correlated trading, rather than fundamental factors such as related-party transactions. Our study adds to the literature by showing that non-fundamental stock return correlation – i.e., categorization or habitat-driven stock comovement – exists even at the business-group level.



上一条:【JEF】股票回购的信息内容可以提高股权溢价预测的准确性吗? 下一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】分析师季度盈利预测的分布尾部信息
