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[发布日期]:2017-11-20  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:Debt Management at the Zero Lower Bound


三、时间:2017年11月22日 (周三),12:30-13:30



Abstract: Debt management has been among the unconventional policy toolkit for many governments to deal with the Great Recession when the nominal interest rate is binding at the zero lower bound (ZLB). This paper extends the canonical New Keynesian model with preferred-habitat preference and regime switches of monetary and fiscal policies to theoretically analyze how debt management works with conventional policies. I find that: (1) Debt management barely works when monetary policy is active and fiscal policy is passive (AM/PF); (2) Debt management helps to mitigate recessions when monetary policy is passive, whether fiscal policy being active or not; (3) The cost of switching from AM/AF to PM/AF regime can be much larger than the benefit of managing debt.

上一条:陆婷|第216期双周学术论坛 下一条:李冰|第214期双周学术论坛
