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[发布日期]:2018-04-16  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:Attention spillover effects in asset pricing





摘要:Psychological research suggests individuals have limited resource of attention and a tendency to be overconfident in winning status. These two behavior biases imply an attention spillover effect, which stocks noticed by individuals in winning status would be traded excessively and get overvalued. We test the implication through a natural experiment in China, in which stocks are assigned with a unique listing code almost randomly and trading softwares list stocks on the screen according to these codes. When searching a particular stock, people glimpse nearby ones effortlessly. In our empirical analysis, we find returns of nearby stocks have significant higher correlation, and returns in the neighbor positively predict future stock return and turnover. The strategy based on surrounding stocks’ returns earns an annual profit of 6.82 percent. This strategy return will vanish in the long-term. Empirical tests in NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ markets also provide consistent evidence. Our results provide evidence for the existence of attention spillover effect, and provide evidence that assets’ price can be driven by purely non-fundamental factors.

上一条:周彤|第231期双周学术论坛 下一条:倪晓然|第229期双周学术论坛
