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第九十一期双周学术论坛:Adaptive Interest Rate Modelling

[发布日期]:2012-03-21  [浏览次数]:

Topic: Adaptive Interest Rate Modelling


FIELDS OF INTEREST: Econometrics Theory, Financial Econometrics, Nonparametrics, Statistical

Finance, Weather Derivatives


1. Ph.D. Statistics, School of Economics and Management, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin,

Germany, 2012 (expected)

2. MSc Statistics, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany, 2010.

3. Master Finance, Wang Yanan Institute for studies in Economics, Xiamen University, China, 2008

4. BSc Mathematics, Department of mathematics, Zhengzhou University, China, 2005

Time: 22nd, March, 2012 , Thursday, 14:00-15:30

Place: Room 913,School of Finance, Main Building

Presider: Zhigang Huang, PHD

Organizer: School of Finance,CUFE

上一条:第九十二期双周学术论坛:中国对非洲投资实证分析 下一条:第九十期双周学术论坛:Banking Structure, Labor Intensity and Industrial Growth: Evidence from China
