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周默涵| Regulation, Innovation, and Firm Selection: The Porter Hypothesis Revisited

[发布日期]:2017-03-06  [浏览次数]:

周默涵| 192期双周学术论坛:Regulation, Innovation, and Firm Selection: The Porter Hypothesis Revisited

一、主题:Regulation, Innovation, and Firm Selection: The Porter Hypothesis Revisited

二、主讲人:周默涵,中央财经大学国际经济与贸易学院讲师。2013年毕业于香港大学,获经济学博士学位,本科就读于武汉大学。他的研究领域包括国际贸易、环境经济学和中国经济。研究成果曾在Canadian Journal of Economics、China Economic Review、Economics Letters、《世界经济》等国内外刊物发表。




Abstract:The Porter Hypothesis (PH) posits that well-designed environmental regulations can stimulate innovation, which may lead to e?ciency gains or even pro?t increase for the regulated ?rms. Extant theoretical works examining the PH neglect two important aspects in their models and analyses: ?rm heterogeneity and general equilibrium. In this study, we revisit the PH by incorporating these two features in our model and analysis. We show that the PH holds for high-capability ?rms, but not for low-capability ?rms. Although heterogeneous responses exist in innovation investment, the average industry productivity increases.

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