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Call for Papers and Contributions on Emerging Markets and Economies

[发布日期]:2017-06-05  [浏览次数]:

After decades high growth rates, emerging markets become an important economic force in the global economy. While the sustainability of high growth is not promised under unstable global economy. Under this background, China puts forward the idea of “the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” to promote the economic communications and cooperation among emerging markets, providing new opportunities for developing countries. How to improve the cooperation among emerging markets? How to promote economic development of emerging markets under the background of global protectionism. Which direction ahead to for the global economy and trade? What impact will these trends have on emerging markets? How should countries respond to these changes? These issues become urgent needs to be understood for emerging market countries.

The Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing, China, and the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM) initiate a major international conference “On the way to the Silk Road: Trade, Investment and Finance in Emerging Economies”, to promote understanding of development of emerging markets and cooperation among them. We invite submission of papers for, and participation in, the conference. Participants are invited to submit individual papers for presentation or to propose an entire panel consisting of four papers.

Conference dates: October 13-14, 2017, Beijing, China.

TOPICS: The conference will bring together researchers interested in studying issues on emerging economies and markets. We welcome all submissions related to emerging economies and markets, including both micro and macro and empirical and theoretical studies, as well as experiments in these and related areas.


Yiping Huang, Professor in Economics, Deputy Dean of the National School of Development, Peking University, Member of Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China.

Kellee S. Tsai, Professor in Political Science and Economics, Johns Hopkins University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.


Website: http://vclass.cufe.edu.cn/meeting/

Venue: Academic Hall, Central University of Finance and Economics, 39 South College Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China


Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI) (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/mree20) will publish selected conference papers in one of its regular issues.


Ali M. Kutan, the Editor of Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, will conduct a workshop on “How to publish in top economics and business journals” designed for young scholars and doctoral students.


Paper proposals, consisting of an abstract of no more than 400 words and/or complete papers, should be submitted in the submission section on the conference website (http://vclass.cufe.edu.cn/meeting/). Proposals will be reviewed by the conference's scientific committee on an ongoing basis.

The final deadline for abstract/paper submissions is August 15, 2017. The number of papers that can be accommodated is limited, so please be sure to submit your abstract/paper early.


Registration fee of USD250 for all attendees, which covers conference materials, coffee breaks, lunches, and conference dinner.

All conference attendees (including paper presenters) are required to pay the registration fee. Attendees pay the fee when you come to the conference. Visa and Master cards are accepted.


Alternative Hotel accommodations are available at the conference website.

Due to the limited number of hotel rooms available, please complete your lodging reservation early. Please note that all conference participants and presenters are responsible for making their own hotel reservations and paying their own hotel expenses.


For more information and updates (such as a preliminary conference program), please visit the conference website: http://vclass.cufe.edu.cn/meeting/

Questions about the conference should be directed to the conference email: sfconference2017@163.com.

上一条:【名家讲堂】高善文:影子银行的兴起与金融去杠杆 下一条:接力面对面(45)——“经验分享、扬帆起航”之出国经验分享篇
