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加拿大多伦多大学教授Wendy Dobson 近期授课计划(2013. 11.4-2013.11.7)

[发布日期]:2013-11-04  [浏览次数]:

课程名: China and the Changing World Economy

主讲: Wendy Dobson






13:30-15:20 PM


Anticipating the Future: the Changing World Economy


13:30-15:20 PM


The Changing World Economy: Integration through Trade


15:40-17:30 PM


The Changing World Economy: Financial Flows and RMB Internationalization


15:40-17:30 PM


The Changing World Economy: China and Global Governance

Wendy Dobson教授简介:

Wendy Dobson (PhD Economics Princeton University) is Professor and Co-director of the Institute for International Business at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. She is a former Associate Deputy Minister of Finance in the Canadian government, former President of the C.D. Howe Institute, Canada's leading independent economic think tank and has been a non-executive director of Canadian companies in finance and energy. She is an Associate Fellow of The Asia Society, Senior Fellow at the Asia Pacific Foundation and member of the Advisory Committee of the Peterson Institute of International Economics. She chairs the Pacific Trade and Development Network (PAFTAD). Her course offerings include introductory macroeconomics, International Business in the World Economy and Canadian Public Policy.

Dr. Dobson has published extensively on global trade and integration. She lived and worked in India in 1966-67 and in 1978 made the first of many visits to China. Her writings on Asian regional integration include Multinationals and East Asian Integration co-edited with Chia Siow Yue, which won the Ohira Prize in 1998. Her latest book Partners and Rivals: The Uneasy Future of China’s Relationship with the United States is published in November 2013. An earlier book, Gravity Shift: How Asia's New Economic Powerhouses Will Shape the 21st Century was a finalist for the 2010 National Business Book of the Year in Canada and has been published in China in Mandarin.

Other recent writings include Canada, China and Rising Asia: A strategic proposal, "Will the Renminbi Become a World Currency?", "The Contradiction in China's Banking Reforms," "The Transition from Imitation to Innovation: An Enquiry into the Technological Capabilities of China's Firms," and "A Window of Opportunity Opens: Asian and American Views of the International Economic Architecture." Dr. Dobson also writes on North American integration. Her latest study of the future of the Canada-US relationship, Differentiating Canada: the Future of the Canada-US Relationship was published in October 2010.

Dr Dobson is a frequent contributor to Canadian print, radio and TV media, has contributed articles to Indian periodicals on the future of the Indian economy and on Canada-India economic integration. She also writes for the Asian Economic Forum.

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